“…There are so many benefits from yoga that I will just list them: better focus, feeling more at ease with myself and others, my music-making is always better for at least 24 hours since trumpet playing requires extremely strong core muscles, lower blood pressure, better cholesterol (the numbers don’t lie — from 180 to just above 150 without meds), and enjoying life more.”
Tiffany Coombs: People Who Practice, Edition 3
“The majority of my practicing career has been at home. If you want to start a home practice, my advice is to start with a DVD, a book, or a sequence written by a trusted teacher. If you are a teacher, I think a consistent home practice is an absolute MUST.”
Michelle Vigen Ralston: People Who Practice, Edition 2
“Yoga has taught me something new: that my yoga practice accepts me, wherever I’m at, with whatever time I can offer. My advice: do yoga because it feels good. And let go of trying to be ‘good’ at it.”